Saturday, October 13, 2012

Video: What a week

>>> mitt romney kicked off the week delivering what his campaign touted as a major foreign policy speech. meanwhile, president obama went on the offensive, on the campaign trail, trying to bounce back from his admitted lackluster performance. the poll numbers are tightening. here's a look back.

>>> i know the president hopes for a safer, freer and more prosperous middle east allied with us. i share this hope. hope is not a strategy.

>> this was never about a video. it was never spontaneous. this was terror.

>> what happened was a result of political pressure.

>> i have been a career foreign service officer for 39 years. i have served every president since richard nixon . i have directly served six secretaries of state .

>> that debate, what happened?

>> well, governor romney had a good night. i had a bad night.

>> i think it's fair to say i was just too polite.

>> with all due respect, that's a bunch of malarkey.

>> he'll say these things to try and scare people.

>> nbc news deputy politico editor dominico montinero. it's been an incredible week and, of course, capped off what what we witnessed last night.

>> they all felt like long nights, to be honest. this week the libya hearing really dominated until we got that debate last night. it started off with the national polls have started to show mitt romney getting a bit of a bounce. mitt romney made some gains but president obama still with the slight advantage in ohio, that all pitch important state. tomorrow we'll see a lot of campaigning in ohio from the two republican candidates, so that's where they're headed and president obama is down, we assume doing debate prep before tuesday's debate.

>> it's interesting. we had on former ohio governor ted strickland on yesterday. he was talking about why he believes the president is still ahead, even though he's seen the race close a bit. he still has a comfortable lead, at least it surprised governor strickland that it was still at the six point difference as opposed to the eight point. he does believe it's one of the topics that came up last night, domenico, the auto bailout.

>> the obama campaign likes to say one in eight job are somehow tied to the auto industry . i checked that fact just in case it came up and talked to the center for automotive research and they said, yes, one in eight jobs are either directly related to the auto industry , meaning factory workers or aut a percentage of that is included in the cash who works in the town in a grocery store where there are a lot of auto workers. the auto bailout and the fact that president obama was for the bailout, mitt romney was against the bailout, really is a clear divide, a clear distinction. the romney campaign had no answer for that for months when the obama people and pro-obama outside groups were running ads hammering mitt romney and hurt his image there.

>> domenico, thank you.

>> thank you.

>>> the eu wins the nobel peace prize and is credited with turning europe from a continent of wars to a continent of peace. what about


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